Brezplačna dostava in preprosta vračila
- Kako vrniti
- Vodnik po velikostih
- Izdelke za nego čevljev
- Raklamacije
- Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja
- Splošni pogoji
Kako vrniti
Naši izdelki so rezultat naše strasti in mojstrstva. Nikdar se ne odrečemo kakovosti in oblikovanju, največ pozornosti pa namenjamo vašemu udobju. Če z izdelkom ali njegovo velikostjo niste zadovoljni, lahko svoje naročilo brez težav vrnete. Napotki za vračilo:
• Vračila za nakupe, ki ste jih opravili med 20. novembrom in 31. decembrom 2024, sprejemamo do 31. januarja 2025
• Artikli morajo imeti vse originalne oznake
• Artikli ne smejo biti nošeni, predelani ali oprani
• Obutev mora vsebovati originalno škatlo za čevlje v prvotnem stanju brez poštnih nalepk
Kako lahko vrnem artikle?
1. korak: Ponovno zapakirajte svoje artikle v originalno škatlo za čevlje brez poštnih nalepk.
2. korak: Prijavite se na naš portal za vračila. Potrebovali boste svojo številko naročila in e-poštni naslov. Številko naročila najdete v e-poštnem potrditvenem sporočilu o naročilu.
3. korak: Natisnite svojo nalepko, ki ste jo ustvarili na portalu doma. Nalepko lahko najdete tudi v potrditvenem e-poštnem sporočilu o vračilu, ki ga boste prejeli, ko boste obdelali vračilo na portalu.
4. korak: Nalepko za predplačniško vračilo prilepite na svojo škatlo (prosimo, ne lepite nalepke na originalno škatlo za čevlje). Zdaj ste pripravljeni, da jo pošljete.
5. korak: Pokličite kurirsko službo in se dogovorite za prevzem paketa
6. korak: Bodite pozorni na sledilnik za vaše vračilo. Ko prejmemo vaš vrnjeni artikel, boste prejeli e-poštno/besedilno sporočilo.
Vračila lahko trajajo nekaj časa
Vaše vračilo lahko potrebuje približno 7 dni, preden dospe v naše skladišče na Poljskem. Močno priporočamo, da uporabite našo frankirano nalepko za vračilo, ki je priložena v paketu, in da obdržite račun kot potrdilo, da ste oddali pošiljko.
V roku 2-10 delovnih dni oziroma kakor hitro bomo prejeli vaše blago v našem skladišču, bomo izvršili vaše vračilo z istim načinom plačila, kot ste opravili svoj nakup. O tej transakciji boste obveščeni po elektronski pošti.
Vaša banka bo po tem, ko od nas prejme obvestilo o nakazilu, morda potrebovala nekaj dodatnih dni za obdelavo in izvršitev plačila na vaš račun.
Prosimo, upoštevajte:
- Če ne uporabite priložene frankirane nalepke za vračilo, ste odgovorni za blago, vse dokler to ne prispe v naše skladišče.
- Če prejmete poškodovan/napačen izdelek ali poškodovan paket z manjkajočimi izdelki, za to potrebujemo fotografski dokazni material. Pošljite fotografijo naši službi za stranke, da bomo lahko primer raziskovali naprej.
Vračilo čevljev, kupljenih v lokalni trgovini
Če ste nakup v fizični trgovini ECCO opravili po 9. novembru in bi nakup želeli vrniti, se prosimo obrnite na službo za pomoč strankam ECCO.
Vodnik po velikostih
Izdelke za nego čevljev
Izdelki za čiščenje in nego obutve Footwear Clean and Care Products so bili zasnovani tako, da skrbijo za visokokakovostne materiale, uporabljene v obutvi ECCO, in jih vzdržujejo čim dlje. Širok izbor izdelkov za čiščenje in nego obutve, ki so jih razvili strokovnjaki podjetja ECCO, odlično očistijo in zaščitijo površino čevljev ECCO iz naravnega usnja in drugih vrst materialov.
1. Pazljivo izberite krtače, kreme, sredstva za impregniranje itd., saj vsaka vrsta surovine zahteva drugačen izdelek.
2. Čevlje je treba ob obuvanju in sezuvanju odvezati.
3. Pravilno vezanje obutve preprečuje drgnjenje stopal, prezgodnjo obrabo podloge in ohranja strukturo zgornjega dela
4. Ko obuvate čevlje, uporabite obuvalno žlico, pri sezuvanju pa ne pozabite odvezati in sprostiti vezalke. S tem se izognete poškodbam zadnjega dela zgornjega dela.
5. V kolikor je le mogoče, pazite, da se vaši čevlji ne zmočijo. Usnje ima organske variacije, naravna in edinstvena lastnost materiala pa je njegova sposobnost vpijanja in razprševanja vode. Vse to pomeni omejeno odpornost na vodo. Za zaščito zgornjega dela pred vodo je priporočljivo redno uporabljati izdelek za impregniranje.
6. Obutev posušite pri sobni temperaturi. Za zaščito strukture čevlja je priporočljivo uporabljati čevljarska kopita ali jih napolniti s papirjem. Za sušenje ne uporabljajte sušilnikov, grelnikov ali drugih virov toplote.
7. Obutev je treba uporabljati v skladu s predvidenim namenom: copati naj se uporabljajo za doma, športni čevlji za športne aktivnosti, itd.
8. Obutev se ne sme prati v pralnem stroju. Čistilna pena je priporočljiva za čiščenje tako notranjih kot zunanjih elementov obutve.
9. Obutev je treba čim pogosteje prezračevati. Ne uporabljajte istega para čevljev vsak dan. Intenzivna uporaba enega para čevljev vodi do prezgodnje obrabe.
10. Ne uporabljajte instantnih in bleščečih lakov za čevlje, saj lahko poškodujejo usnje.
11. Čevljev z lakastim usnjem se ne sme uporabljati pri nizkih temperaturah.
12. V začetnem obdobju uporabe naravno obarvane usnjene obutve lahko pride do razbarvanja – v tem obdobju je priporočljivo nositi temnejše nogavice.
13. Čevlji z usnjenim podplatom morajo imeti oblazinjenje, podplati pa niso odporni na vlago in jih je treba negovati kot zgornji del.
14. Za redno menjavo poškodovanih zgornjih delov – to so pete, vezalke in vložki – je odgovorna stranka.
15. Skrb za notranjost obutve, vzdrževanje čistoče in zamenjava vložkov je odgovornost stranke. Za podaljšanje svežine notranjosti obutve in za zagotavljanje zdravega notranjega okolja je priporočljivo redno uporabljati osvežilec za obutev.
Ali želite ohraniti dober izgled, svežino in trpežnost svojih čevljev?
Čevlje izdelujemo na način, da trajajo dlje. Zelo trdo delamo ob iskanju novih načinov za izboljšanje svojih izdelkov in ponujamo tehnične novosti, ki zagotavljajo odlično izkušnjo nošenja. Občasno imamo izdelke, ki ne ustrezajo našim standardom odličnosti. Če imate težave z izdelki ali naročilom, smo tu, da vam pomagamo.
Reklamiranje čevljev, kupljenih prek spleta
Če želite vložiti reklamacijski zahtevek za par čevljev, kupljenih prek spleta, potrebujemo kratek opis in slike, ki prikazujejo težavo. Pošljite nam e-pošto na naslov s fotografijami in kratko razlago o tem, kako je prišlo do napake.
Za čevlje potrebujemo naslednje fotografije:
- Oba čevlja fotografirana od zgoraj
- Oba čevlja fotografirana od spodaj (podplati)
- Fotografija poškodovanega območja / problema
Slike ne smejo presegati 5 MB.
Takoj ko bomo prejeli zahtevane slike, bomo nadaljevali z vašo zahtevo. Med postopkom vas bomo obveščali.
Če ste prejeli poškodovan izdelek
Če opazite, da so izdelki, ki ste jih pravkar prejeli, ne ustrezajo vašemu naročilu ali niso bili dostavljeni v stanju, ki ste ga pričakovali, nam prosimo pošljite dokazne fotografije o tem.
Prosimo, pošljite vaše fotografije Oddelku za skrb za kupce po e-pošti da lahko raziščemo težavo.
Za čevlje potrebujemo naslednje fotografije:
- Oba čevlja fotografirana od zgoraj
- Oba čevlja fotografirana od spodaj (podplati)
- Fotografija poškodovanega območja/težaveProsimo, bodite pozorni, da fotografije ne smejo presegati 5 MB
Prosimo, bodite pozorni na to, da ne morete vrniti izdelkov, ki so bili nošeni. Izdelke, ki kažejo znake, kot so znaki spranosti, čiščenja, umazanije, madežev, gub ali prask, vračate na vašo odgovornost, in avtomatični postopek vračila zanje ne velja.
Če vas nakup izdelka/izdelkov še vedno zanima, prosimo, oddajte novo naročilo
Čevlje izdelujemo na način, da trajajo dlje. Zelo trdo delamo ob iskanju novih načinov za izboljšanje svojih izdelkov in ponujamo tehnične novosti, ki zagotavljajo odlično izkušnjo nošenja. Občasno imamo izdelke, ki ne ustrezajo našim standardom odličnosti. Če imate težave z izdelki ali naročilom, smo tu, da vam pomagamo.
Na koga naj se obrnem z vprašanjem glede izdelka, ki sem ga kupil/-a v fizični trgovini ECCO?
Vprašanja glede izdelkov, ki so bili kupljeni v fizičnih trgovinah ECCO, naslovite na službo za pomoč strankam ECCO.
Reklamacija čevljev, kupljenih v fizični trgovini
Če imate težavo z obutvijo, ki ste jo kupili v fizični trgovini ECCO, se prosimo obrnite na službo za pomoč strankam ECCO.
Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja
Kako vrniti izdelek?
- 1. korak: Ponovno zapakirajte svoje artikle v originalno škatlo za čevlje brez poštnih nalepk.
- 2. korak: Prijavite se na naš portal za vračila. Potrebovali boste svojo številko naročila in e-poštni naslov. Številko naročila najdete v e-poštnem potrditvenem sporočilu o naročilu.
- 3. korak: Natisnite svojo nalepko, ki ste jo ustvarili na portalu doma. Nalepko lahko najdete tudi v potrditvenem e-poštnem sporočilu o vračilu, ki ga boste prejeli, ko boste obdelali vračilo na portalu.
- 4. korak: Nalepko za predplačniško vračilo prilepite na svojo škatlo (prosimo, ne lepite nalepke na originalno škatlo za čevlje). Zdaj ste pripravljeni, da jo pošljete.
- 5. korak: Pokličite kurirsko službo in se dogovorite za prevzem paketa
- 6. korak: Bodite pozorni na sledilnik za vaše vračilo. Ko prejmemo vaš vrnjeni artikel, boste prejeli e-poštno/besedilno sporočilo.
Za več informacij o vračilih si oglejte naš pravilnik o vračilu.
Zelo je priporočljivo, da obdržite potrdilo, račun ali poštno potrdilo.
V 24 urah lahko spremljate vrnitev z uporabo številke za sledenje
Številko za sledenje najdete na vnaprej plačani nalepki za vračilo nad črtno kodo, ki se začnejo z 'JJD'.
Ali ste prejeli moje vračilo?
Za sprejem in obdelavo vašega vračila potrebujemo približno 3-4 delovne dni. Takoj, ko je vračilo registrirano in obdelano v našem skladišču, vam bomo povrnili znesek nakupa in vas obvestili po e-pošti.
Povrnili vam bomo znesek nakupa po istem načinu plačila, ki ste ga uporabili pri oddaji naročila. Povrnjeni znesek bo viden na vašem bančnem računu v roku 2-10 delovnih dni po prejemu potrdila o vračilu prek e-pošte.
Tukaj lahko spremljate svojo vrnjeno pošiljko z uporabo številke za sledenje iz oznake za vrnitev.
Kdaj bom prejel/a povračilo denarja?
Lahko spremenim ali prekličem svoje naročilo?
Ko prejmemo vaše naročilo, se to takoj obdela za hitro dostavo. Ko prejmete potrdilo o pošiljanju, vašega naročila ni več mogoče spreminjati ali pa preklicati. Če želite vrniti kateri koli izdelek vašega naročila, poiščite navodila za registracijo vračila v škatli ali tukaj v našem vodniku "Kako vrniti" izdelek.
Ali lahko sledim svojemu naročilu?
Ali je bila moja pošiljka poslana?
Kdaj bo moje naročilo dostavljeno?
Naš cilj je poslati vaše izdelke še isti dan, ko prejmemo vaše naročilo. Pričakujemo, da boste prejeli svoje izdelke ECCO v roku 2-3 delovnih dni od dneva, ko oddate naročilo.
Naročilo lahko spremljate s številko sledenja, ki jo najdete v e-pošti s potrditvijo pošiljanja. "Vaše naročilo je bilo poslano". Lahko traja do 24 ur, preden lahko sledite naročilu preko UPS sledenja. Če želite slediti naročilu, kliknite tukaj.
Kakšni so stroški dostave?
Kakšni so povratni stroški?
Ali dostavite tudi na naslov?
Ali dostavljate do mojega območja?
Spodaj je seznam z izjemami območij, na katere ne pošljemo. Upoštevajte, da dostavljamo samo na naslove stanovanj in poslovnih objektov. Na žalost ne dostavljamo v poštni predal.
Ne dostavljamo:
Danska *** Upoštevajte, da ne pošiljamo v Grenlandijo ali Ferske otoke
Finska *** Prosimo, upoštevajte, da ne pošiljamo v Åland
Francija *** Prosimo, upoštevajte, da ne pošiljamo na Korziko
Velika Britanija *** Prosimo, upoštevajte, da ne pošiljamo v The Hebrides, otok Man, otoke Scilly, Šetlandski otoki ali Kanalski otoki
Estonija *** Upoštevajte, da ne pošiljamo v okrožje Pärnu.
Na koga naj se obrnem z vprašanjem glede izdelka, ki sem ga kupil/-a v fizični trgovini ECCO?
Kako najdem svojo velikost čevlja?
Iščem Poseben Izdelek
Ali lahko zagotovite še več informacij o izdelku?
Stran izdelka za vsak proizvod vsebuje opis in slike.
Za več informacij se obrnite na ECCO Skrb za kupce. 386 1 7774398 kontaktni podatki
Kako uporabim svojo promocijsko kodo?
Kako promocijske kode vplivajo na mojo pravico do vračila naročila?
Kje lahko najdem svoj račun?
Kako lahko plačam za svoje naročilo?
Ponujamo vam naslednje načine plačila:
- Visa,
- MasterCard,
- PayPal.
Ali je mogoče oddati naročilo preko telefona?
Kdaj mi boste zaračunali?
Če boste plačali z Przelewy 24, bo bančni prenos takoj obdelan.
V kolikor boste plačali z Klarno, boste prejeli račun iz Klarne z 14-dnevnim rokom zapadlosti. V primeru, da boste plačali z iDealom, bo bančni transfer obdelan takoj.
Ali moram plačati carine in uvozne dajatve?
Kako se lahko prijavim na vaše novičke?
Kako se odjavim od vaših novičk?
Ali je varno naročiti preko spleta?
Da bi zagotovili, da so vaše informacije zasebne, v naši podatkovni bazi ne shranjujemo vsakega podatka o plačilu.
Naša ECCO Spletna trgovina podpira Varnostni protokol (Secure protocol) Visa / MasterCard 3D. Vaša povezava je vedno varna pri nas in šifrirana z 256-bitno šifro. Iz varnostnih razlogov ne shranjujemo vsake informacije o plačilu v naši bazi podatkov
Če pogledate lokacijo (URL) na vrhu brskalnika med pregledom boste videli, da se začne z 'https://' namesto običajnega 'http://'. To pomeni, da ste v varnem načinu.
Da bi zagotovili, da so vaše informacije zasebne, v naši podatkovni bazi ne shranjujemo vsakega podatka o plačilu.
Kako skrbim za moske ECCO Čevlje?
S pomočjo 3 preprostih korakov: Čiščenje, nega in zaščita, ki vam bodo pomagali podaljšati lep videz in občutek v vaših čevljih.
Čiščenje čevljev z našimi čistilnimi sredstvi, ki temeljijo na vodi, bo učinkovito odstranilo umazanijo in poživilo usnje, hkrati pa povečalo svežino izdelka.
Oglejte si celotno zbirko izdelkov za ČIŠČENJE.
Izdelki za nego, usnje mehčajo, vlažijo in izboljšujejo elastičnost usnja. Izdelki za nego dajo čevlju nazaj sijaj in preprečujejo izsušitev kože.
Oglejte si celotno zbirko izdelkov za NEGO.
Dokončajte rutino z uporabo enega od naših izdelkov za zaščito, da zaščitite usnje pred težkimi vremenskimi razmerami in zadrževanjem dežja in madežev.
Oglejte si celotno zbirko izdelkov za ZAŠČITO.
Če želite poiskati popolne izdelke za ČIŠČENJE – NEGO- ZAŠČITO čevljev, si oglejte priporočila za izdelke na naši strani, ko postavite želene čevlje v košarico ali pa se obrnite na Skrb za kupce 386 1 7774398,, tako, da navedete ime in številko artikla, mi pa vam bomo odgovorili s priporočilom o prilagojenih izdelkih za nego.
Ali lahko zamenjam izdelek?
Izdelek lahko zamenjate tako, da ga vrnete in nato postavite novo naročilo v želeni velikosti ali barvi.
Takoj lahko ustvarite naročilo ali čakate na vračilo vrnjenega naročila. Vendar priporočamo, da čimprej postavite novo naročilo, saj nimamo možnosti za rezerviranje blaga v našem sistemu.
Splošni pogoji
Subject to these Terms of Use, ECCO Obutev SL d.o.o. with its registered office in Poljanski nasip 8, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, ID za DDV SI 96381795, statistical REGON No. 6317359000, (referred to herein as "ECCO," "we," "us" and "our") provides you with access to our web sites, including without limitation (each referred to herein as the "Web Site" and collectively referred to as the "Web Sites").
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These Terms of Use are available at a link at the bottom of each page on the Web Site. You may review or print out the Terms of Use at any time free of charge. We reserve the right to change these Terms of Use in particular in the following cases:
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User Communications
You alone are responsible for any communication, message or other content that you post, upload, submit, transmit or share with ECCO on the Web Site or by electronic mail, including without limitation any data, questions, comments, ideas, concepts, know-how, techniques, suggestions or the like (collectively "User Communications"). By transmitting or posting any User Communications, you represent and warrant that such User Communications are your own original work and will not infringe or violate any copyright, trademark, trade secret, rights of privacy, rights of publicity or any other applicable laws. ECCO does not endorse or sponsor any such User Communications submitted by you or other users of the Web Site. We reserve the right to terminate and/or deny you access to the Web Site if you are violating these Terms of Use, or applicable law, rule, regulation or order or that your conduct is harmful to us, our interests or the interests of another user, a third-party provider, merchant, sponsor, licensor, service provider or any other third party.
Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in our Privacy Policy (linked at the bottom of each page in the Web Site), all User Communications will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary information. Accordingly, please do not post, upload, submit or share any User Communications you wish to be kept confidential or for which you expect compensation, acknowledgment or attribution. You hereby grant to ECCO and our affiliates and/or designees, a perpetual, fully paid up, royalty-free, irrevocable, worldwide license to the User Communications to use, transmit, copy, reproduce, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, and prepare derivate works based upon such User Communications in any and all media now known or hereafter to become known for any and all commercial and non-commercial purposes, without the need for any acknowledgment, compensation or attribution. You declare and warrant to us that you are entitled to transmit or post User Communications to the Web Site and have all relevant licenses and consents from any relevant third parties. Further, ECCO and its affiliates are free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in any User Communication you send to the Web Site for any purpose whatsoever including without limitation developing, manufacturing and marketing products.
You are prohibited from posting, uploading, submitting, sharing or transmitting any unlawful, threatening, infringing, libellous, defamatory, obscene, inflammatory, pornographic or profane material or any material that could constitute or encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability or would otherwise violate the law. ECCO will fully cooperate with any law enforcement or regulatory authorities or court order requesting or directing it to disclose the identity of anyone posting any such information or materials.
We will, but are not obligated to, monitor or review any User Communications. We shall have no obligation to use, return, review, or respond to any User Communications. We act merely as a medium for distribution of User Communications and will have no liability related to the content of any such User Communications, whether or not arising under the laws of copyright, libel, privacy, obscenity, or otherwise. You agree to notify ECCO of any objectionable User Communications. All and any User Communication will be removed from the Web Site as soon as we learn about its unlawful character.
Personal Information/Privacy Policy
We value your privacy and are committed to safeguarding your personal information. Please refer to our Privacy Policy (linked at the bottom of each page in the Web Site) for details about what information we collect on this Web Site and how we process, store and share such information.
We may suspend or terminate your use of the Web Site at any time, for important reasons such as the site being hacked, discovery of technical issues which could be a potential issue to our customers. We reserve the right to change, suspend, or discontinue all or any aspect of the Web Site at any time without notice.
Purchasing Products and Returns
The products we sell online are displayed on this Website and include but are not limited to footwear, bags and shoe care products.
By placing an order and clicking the button “I order and pay” you are offering to purchase a product on and subject to the following terms and conditions. All orders are subject to availability and confirmation thereof as there may be rare occasions where for example two orders are placed for the exact same product and only one is available to send.
We try to dispatch and deliver to you the ordered goods as soon as possible. Dispatch times may, however, vary according to availability and any guarantees or representations made as to delivery times are subject to any delays resulting from postal delays or force majeure. We deliver free of charge within Poland.
In order to contract with us you must be over 18 years of age and possess a valid credit or debit card specified in point 7.5. of these Terms of Use. If your order is accepted, we will inform you by email. When placing an order you undertake that all details you provide to us are true and accurate, that you are an authorised user of the credit card, debit card or other payment method used to place your order and that there are sufficient funds to cover the cost of the goods..
7.3.Our Contract
When you place an order, you will receive an acknowledgement e-mail confirming receipt of your order. This email will only be an acknowledgement that we have received your offering to purchase a product and will not constitute acceptance of your order. A contract between us for the purchase of the goods will not be formed until your order is ready to be shipped at which time we send you an order confirmation as well as the invoice and shipment information. Hence, the contract is concluded at the moment when we send you an order confirmation. We will not charge your card with any amount before shipping your products, however an amount may be reserved on your card in order to ensure sufficient funds to cover the payment.
You accept that all communication regarding the order including order confirmation, invoice, shipping information, confirmation of the contract conclusion etc. is done via e-mail.
7.4.Pricing and Availability
All prices of the products available on the Web Site are provided in Polish zlotys and include the VAT (they are gross amounts).
The data of the payment method that you wish to use for payment should be provided to us when placing an order on the Web Site. Upon receiving your order we carry out a standard pre-authorisation for credit or debit cards and for bank transfer we do a control check. We do this to ensure there are sufficient funds to fulfil the transaction. Products will not be dispatched until this pre-authorisation check and control have been completed. Your card will be debited once the order has been accepted and we are shipping your products. For bank transfer your account will be debited as soon as the order has been placed.
We accept the following cards: Visa, Visa Electron, Mastercard credit and Mastercard debit. We accept Przelewy24 for bank transfers.
When paying with credit or debit card, the full amount is reserved on your account by us and payment is debited from your card only at the time of dispatch of your products.
- Your connection is always secure with us and encrypted with 256 bit cipher.
- ECCO Online Shop is using 3D Secure Visa and Mastercard.
- For security reasons, we do not store any payment information in our database.
All fees and charges related to the above payment methods are covered by ECCO Online Shop.
7.6.Discount Codes
We may from time to time offer promotional discount codes, which may apply in respect of any, or certain specified, purchases made though this Website.
The conditions of potential use relating to any discount code will be specified at the time of issue.
All products purchased from the Web Site are delivered pursuant to a shipment agreement. Service provider is UPS. Accordingly, the risk of loss and title to such purchased products passes to you upon delivery to you at the designated address. Delivery will be made within 1-3 business days after your order has been received. The time required for the ordered goods to be delivered to you includes the time necessary to prepare the ordered goods for shipment and the time of delivery of the goods by UPS.
We only deliver within Poland and if you wish to purchase our products in another country please go the website of that particular country.
We attempt to describe our products as accurately as possible. However, errors do occur. If a product purchased on the Web Site does not conform to the product description, your sole and exclusive remedy is to return the unused product.
7.9.Cancellations and returns
You may cancel an order up until the time of dispatch by contacting our Customer Care at number +386 1 777 43 98. If we have taken payment the full amount will be refunded to you via the original method of payment.
When you shop with us, we want you to be completely satisfied. If you are not satisfied with a purchase made at the Web Site, you may withdraw from the contract concluded with us and return the ordered goods for a refund of the purchase price. We can only accept returns purchased through this Web Site. All purchases made through another ECCO sales point must be returned to the original place of purchase.
Just return your unused and unworn item to us within 28 days upon receipt of the item at:
ECCO (Poland) Sp. z o.o.
ul. Sokołowska 24
05-806 SokołówThe deadline of 28 days is counted from the date when the ordered goods have been delivered to you.
Your statement on the withdrawal from our contract may be sent to us in any form and by any mean of correspondence. You may also use the specimen return form attached to this Terms of Use. You should also return the goods acquired by the withdrawn contract within 14 days counted from the date of the withdrawal.
We will reimburse the purchase price of the goods being subject to the withdrawn contract not later than within 14 days counted from the date when we obtain your statement on withdrawal. Please note, however, that we may suspend the reimbursement until we receive the returned goods.
In order to speed up the return the reimbursement of the purchase price you may also apply our return procedure:
How (easiest) to return an item
Step 1: Repack your items into the original shoebox without any postal labels.
Step 2: Log in to our returns portal. You will need your order number and email address. The order number can be found in the order confirmation email.
Step 3: Print the label you generated on the portal.
Step 4: Place the prepaid return label on your box (Please do not stick the prepaid return label on the original shoebox.)
Step 5: Take the package to your nearest drop off location. You can find your closest drop-off location at:
Returns may take time
It can take approximately 7 days for us to receive your return to our warehouse. We strongly encourage you to use our prepaid return label included in the parcel and to keep your receipt as proof of postage.
Your refund will be processed in the original form of payment within 2-10 business days, as soon as we have received your goods in the warehouse. You will be notified via email when this transaction has taken place.
Your banking institution may require additional days to process and post the “return” transaction to your account once they have received the information from us.
Please note that if you do not use the provided prepaid return label, you are responsible for the goods until they reach our warehouse.
If you do not use the provided prepaid return label in order to return the goods, you are obliged to cover the direct costs of the goods returning. We are responsible for return shipping costs if we have sent wrong or defective goods.
The returned goods should not be used in the manner not necessary to verify their character, features and functionality. You may try on the products, but you should not wear them. If you return a used, worn or washed item that is not approved by our quality control, we cannot send the item back to you.
If you receive a defective/wrong item or a damaged parcel with missing items the easiest way to handle this is if we get photographic evidence of this. Please send a photo to us at our Customer Care team so we can investigate further - we are then responsible for the return.
Based on your return instructions in the return authorization form, we will issue you a credit to your card. We can only issue credit to the same card used for the purchase. We do not have title to the returned products until the item arrives at our returns department. Alternative returns policies may apply to particular products and product lines.
If you have any questions about our returns process, please contact Customer Care.
This Web Site may contain links to other web sites that are not owned, operated or controlled by ECCO or its affiliates (each a "Third-Party Site"). All such links to Third-Party Sites are provided solely as a convenience to you. If you use these links, you will leave our Web Site. We are not responsible for your access to or use of any Third-Party Site. We do not endorse, guarantee, or make any representations or warranties regarding any Third-Party Site, or any content or information accessible from such Third Party Sites, or the results that you may obtain from using any Third-Party Site. If you access any Third-Party Site linked to or from the Web Site, you do so entirely at your own risk.
If you intend to create any link from another web site to any page on this Web Site, you will inform us via email at:
We reserve the right to prohibit any such link at any time. Any permitted links to the Web Site must comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations and our internal policies. Running or displaying the Web Site or any Content in frames or similar means on another web site without our prior written permission is prohibited.
Product Warranty and claim handling
We are obliged to deliver to you the ordered goods free of any defects.
In case the ordered goods have defects, you have the right to:
• file a declaration on a reduction of the price;
• withdraw from the contract;
• demand exchange of the defective product for a product free from defects;
• demand from the seller to immediately remove the defects.
The right to file a declaration on a reduction of price or withdrawal from the contact does not apply in case when we immediately and with no excessive inconveniences exchange the defective product for one free from defects or immediately remove the defect. This limitation, in turn, does not apply where the product has already been exchanged or repaired by us, or we have not discharged the duty of exchanging the product for one free from defects or removing the defect.
You may request a replacement for a product free from defects rather than removal of the defect proposed by the seller, or request the removal of the defect instead of replacement for a product free from defects proposed by the seller.
If it is impossible to remove the defect and to bring the product to conformity with the contract in a manner chosen by you or it involves excessive costs in comparison with the manner proposed by us, we may replace the defective product for a product free from defects regardless of your request in this respect.
If you have a complaint regarding the products you have received please contact our Customer Care and they will inform you how to proceed and what information we need in order for us to process your complaint.
Nr telefonu: +386 1 777 43 98We will confirm the receipt of your claim and respond to your request in this respect within 14 days. Otherwise, if you have requested that the product be replaced or the defect be removed or filed a declaration on reduction of the price specifying the amount by which the price is to be reduced, the request should be deemed to be considered justified by us and we would be obliged to comply with the request.
We are responsible for the product defects if they are detected before the lapse of two years counted from the date when the product was delivered to your address. Your claim for the removal of the defect or replacement of the product sold for one free from defects is limited to one year, counting from the date of detecting the defect; however, the above limitation period may not cease to run before the elapse of the two years period counted from the date of delivery of the product. Your right to withdraw from the contract or to reduce the price due to the products’ defects is also limited to one year counted from the date of detecting the defect; however, if you have requested replacement of the product for one free from defects or removal of the defect, the time limit to submit the declaration on withdrawal from the contract or reduction of the price begins to run upon ineffective lapse of the time limit for exchange of the product or removal of the defect.
Unless prohibited by applicable law, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless each of ECCO, its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors and employees, from and against all losses, expenses, damages and costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees, resulting from or related to your use of this Web Site OR ANY CONTENT, the violation of these Terms of Use by you, or the infringement by you, or any other user using your account, of any intellectual property or other right of any person or entity. IF YOU ARE OBLIGATED TO INDEMNIFY US HEREUNDER, WE MAY, IN OUR SOLE DISCRETION, CONTROL THE DEFENSE AND DISPOSITION OF ANY SUCH CLAIMS AT YOUR SOLE COST AND EXPENSE. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, YOU MAY NOT SETTLE, COMPROMISE OR IN ANY OTHER MANNER DISPOSE OF ANY THIRD-PARTY CLAIM WITHOUT OUR CONSENT.
Governing Law and venue
We provide the services of this Web Site from our offices within Poland. We make no representation that the content on our Web Site is appropriate, legal or available for use in other locations. These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Poland, without giving effect to its conflicts of law provisions. A printed version of these Terms of Use will be admissible in judicial and administrative proceedings based upon or relating to these Terms of Use to the same extent and subject to the same conditions as other business documents and records originally generated and maintained in printed form.
Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to these Terms of Use, your use of the Web Site or your purchase of any products from the Web site shall be settled by the competent courts of Poland.
Notwithstanding any other provision in these Terms of Use, ECCO may commence suit in court to enjoin infringement or misappropriation of intellectual property rights or confidential information.
Alternative methods of dispute resolution
Using alternative methods of dispute resolution is voluntary. The below provisions have only informative character and do not constitute any obligation neither for you nor for ECCO.
If we fail to find a satisfactory solution, you can lodge a complaint with the Polish Consumer Centre if conditions are met. You may also use the European Commission online dispute resolution here to register your complaint. This portal can be relevant when living in another EU-country. When filling in a complaint, please enter our e-mail address
As a consumer you also have the right to seek extrajudicial procedures if we do not agree with you regarding your complaint. You then have the right to ask for intervention of a neutral entity such as a mediator, consumer advocate, social organization etc. You can read more about your right on
Remedies for Breach of these Terms by You
Without limiting any other rights or remedies, in the event that ECCO determines, , that you have breached any portion of these Terms of Use, or have otherwise demonstrated inappropriate conduct, ECCO reserves the right, in particular, to (i) warn you via e-mail that you have violated these Terms of Use; (ii) delete any content provided by you or your agent(s) to the Web Site; (iii) discontinue your access to the Web Site, (iv) notify and/or send content to and/or fully cooperate with law enforcement authorities for further action;.
If your ability to access and/or use the Web Site or any other service provided to you by ECCO is discontinued by us hereunder, then you agree that you shall not attempt to re-register with or access the Web Site, any other service provided by ECCO, through use of a different member name or otherwise.
Copyright Complaints
We respect the intellectual property of others, and we expect users of the Web Site to do the same. If you believe that your work has been copied and is accessible on our Web Site in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, you may notify our designated Copyright Agent at the following:
ECCO (Poland) Sp. z o.o.
ul. Żwirki i Wigury 18A. bud. B2
02–092 Warszawa
Polskaor at email:
We recommend that the claims of copyright infringement be in writing and include the following information: (i) an electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright interest; (ii) a description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed, including the URL (i.e., web page address) of the location where the copyrighted work exists or a copy of the copyrighted work; (iii) identification of the URL or other specific location on our Web Site where the material that you claim is infringing your copyright interest is located; (iv) your address, telephone number, and email address; (v) a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and (vi) a statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf.
Access to and use of the Web Site is made available only to people who can form legally binding agreements under applicable law. The Web Site is intended for a general audience and is not intended to be used by minor children. Children accessing the Web Site should obtain the permission and assistance of a parent or legal guardian. If you allow your minor child or a child for whom you are a legal guardian (a "Minor"), to access the Web Site, you will be solely responsible for: (i) the online conduct of such Minor; (ii) monitoring such Minor's access to and use of the Web Site; and (iii) the consequences of any use of the Web Site by such Minor.
In the event that any provision of these Terms of Use conflicts with applicable law, rule, regulation or order or if any provision is held invalid by a court with competent jurisdiction, then the issue regulated by such invalid provision will be settled in the manner that would take into account your interests., and the remainder of these Terms of Use will remain in full force and effect. Any failure by ECCO to insist upon or enforce strict performance of any provision of the Terms of Use or to exercise any right under the Terms of Use will not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of ECCO's right to assert or rely upon any such provision or right in that or any other instance, rather, the same will be and remain in full force and effect.
You represent to ECCO that you have the authority to access and use the Web Site according to these Terms of Use. These Terms of Use and any Additional Terms (as such terms shall be identified when posted on the Web Site) constitute the entire understanding between the parties as to the subject matter here of, and supersede all prior agreements and understandings.
Contact Us
We welcome your comments and questions. Please contact us at:
ECCO (Poland) Sp. z o.o.
ul. Żwirki i Wigury 18A, bud. B2
02–092 Warszawa
PolskaTelefon: +386 1 777 43 98
E-mail :